SPECIMEN A – Garden egg fruit
SPECIMEN B – Tridax fruit – Tradax procumbens
SPECIMEN C – Grain weevil
SPECIMEN E - Rat – Rattus rattus
SPECIMEN J - tilapia fish
SPECIMEN L - lizard
Name one of dispersal each for specimen A & B
Answer : SPECIMEN B – Man, Animal
Give one reason each for your answer above
Ans: Reason for the dispersal of specimen A includes:
i.It is edible
ii.Whole fruit is eaten
Reason for the dispersal of specimen B includes:
i.It is light or it is small.
ii.It has pappus to aid buoyancy in the air.
State observed feature by which specimen C (Grainweevil) obtain their food or adaptive features of specimen C to it mode of life.
Ans: i.Rostrum for piercing into the grain
iii.chewing mouthparts for for chewing or mandible for chewing.
iv.Smallbody size that will enable it to penetrate the grain.
v.Wings for flying.
Name the crops that specimen C (Grain weevil) can infests.
Ans:Rice, Bean, Millet, Guinea corn, Weat, Maize.
State the type of fruit of specimen A
Ans:Specimen A belong to Berry
Reason for classifying spec A (garden egg) as berry. has succulent mesocarp has many seed
3.has itn epicarp
*state the phylum & class of C&D
Ans: C & D belong to phylum:arthropoda
Class of C:insecta
Class of D; arachnida (thicks)
Reason 4 ans phylum:arthropoda
i.seginmented body
ii.chitinous exo-skeleton
iii.jointed appendages
Reason 4 class 4 C
i.3 body divisions(head,thorax,abdomen)
ii.3 pairs of jointed legs
iii.2pairs of wings
Reason 4 class 4 D
i.2 body division (prosoma&opisthosoma
ii.4pairs of jointed legs
iii.absent of wing
*state 4 ways of preventing the activities of C*
1.proper draying of gains
2.use of pesticide&insecticide in dry place
4.use of irradiation
5.Avoid mixing old stock of grains with new grains.
Explain how specimen C (weevil) infest the crop or state the economic important of specimen C.
i.perforated the grains
ii.Destroy the grain into powdry form
iii.Reduce the quatity of crop
List one animal that can be attacked by specimen D
Ans:Tick attacks goat, sheep, Dog and Man.
Explain how specimen D affect the animal they infest.
i.Sucks blood from the animal
ii.Causes loss of blood or anaemia
iii.Transmits disease
iv.Cause itching
Name two ways by which farmer can control D
1.hand pick
2.treating the animal with insecticide
3.burning the grasses where d animal graze
*state d respiratory organ of C,D,E
C=tracheal system
D=lung book
*to which class of animal does E belong* = Mammal
*state d excretory structure possessed by E= Kidney/skin/lung
Spe J Tillapia fish
Spe K Toad (Bufo regularis)
Spe L Lizard (Agama agama)
*state the phylum and class of E,J.K&L
E= ratchordatemammalian
J= tillapiafish ,,pisces
K= toad ,,,amphibian
L= Lizard ,,,reptilian
Respiratory organ of
•state 4 common features of the respiratory organ of J,K,L
Mention 3stuctural similarities btw E&K
1.both have a pair of limbs
2.both have a pair of eye
3.both have a pair of hearing orgam
4.both have anterior opening (mouth) and posterior opening(anus)
mention 4 stuctural difrences btw E&K
E=pinna presentK= pinna absent
E=hiar presentK=hair absent
E=tail presntK=tail absent
E= toes not webbed K= webbed toes
E= whiskers present K= whiskers absent
E= poison glad absent K=poison glad present
state the excretory structures posses by J,K,L
state how external feature of J to it environment
1.Dark grey dorsal is used for camouflage against predator
2.mouth 4or in in flow of water for respiration
3.overlapping ceales 4 protection
4.operculum 4 protecting the gils
5.caudal fin for steering line body for rapid movement
Name of classes of food that j provide in human nutrition
State the habitat of J,K,L
J= pond and lake
K= wet damp places and under leaves
L= around home/ building
State 5 observable features of K
1.webbed digit, lined body 3. bugging eye above the head 4. nostril above the head 5. body odour 6. long tongue
State how the feature in above adapting K to it habitat
1.webbed digit for swimming line body for easy movement in water
3.bugging eye to see above water when body submerged
4.nostril enables animal to get atmosphere while summing
5.long tongue for easy catching prey
State 2 adaptive of L and its environment.
1.digit limbs movement
2.claws in the limbs for digging soil
3.tail 4 protection and fighting
State 3 structural differences btw J and k
J= limbs are absent K=limbs are present
J= scales are presentK= scales are absent
J= operculum is presentK= operculum is absent
State 3 structural differences btw K & L
K= scales absentL= scales present
K= gular ford absentL= gular ford present
K= tail absentL= tail present
K= claw digit absentL= claw digit present
K= webbed digit presentL= webbed digit absent
K= neck absentL= neck present
good job guys
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